The SOURCE is very proud to have a brand new space in the Ferguson Center. The space was officially opened with a ribbon cutting with Mark Ingram! The huge space not only has offices for the new Board of Governors, but also space and resources for student organizations.
Starting in mid-Octover, the SOURCE space will provide laptop renewals within the SOURCE space for student organizations. Organizations will also be granted $20 for making copies (400/year) copies on the SOURCE space copier and free office supplies. Conferences table reservations through the SOURCE are available to student organizations online through mybama, campus life, and SOURCE. All event equipment rentals are free, but the organization is responsible for paying for any damages to equipment while in use.
Organizations also get one free banner per year, and for $75 can get free drinks for their events all year from Pepsi Products. Bama Dining will also be providing a new menu for organization events. (Contact Bama Dining for details.)
Contact the SOURCE Board of Governors Director of Special Events, Shea Mason, at All forms are available in the SOURCE space for interested organizations. Stop by today!
This year, the ReSOURCE fair is planned for October 6th from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Ferguson Center Ballroom. The ReSOURCE Fair is intended to help student organizations locate helpful resources and give these organizations a chance to talk with various "resources" in one central location.
We invite all student organizations to talk to various Tuscaloosa companies and University of Alabama departments and come get ideas on fundraising, while also making various helpful Tuscaloosa connections. We also encourage organizations to come and see the brand new SOURCE space and what it has to offer for all student organizations! For more info Contact Christy Boardman at
The UA ACFE is committed to providing a comprehensive experience for all students to learn about the global threat of fraud and to help them prepare for careers in the anti-fraud profession. Student Associate membership is open to undergraduate students in any major enrolled in 9 semester hours, or graduate students enrolled in 6 semester hours. The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential denotes proven expertise in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence. As a chapter we plan to have an informative and creative learning environment and we will encourage each member to sit for the CFE exam upon graduation.
CFEs are trained to identify the warning signs and red flags that indicate evidence of fraud and fraud risk. CFEs around the world help protect the global economy by uncovering fraud and implementing processes to prevent fraud from occurring in the first place. CFEs often work in such diverse fields as insurance, health care, manufacturing, banking&finance, construction as well as governmental agencies (IRS, FBI and CIA).
Professionals from different areas of Industry and Commerce will visit our chapter throughout the year and speak to our group and provide insight into their fields of expertise. We continue to have excellent support from the Accounting department and our Faculty Advisers which enable us to provide a positive and informative experience.
At our initial meeting we had 40+ students arrive and participate from various majors including criminal justice, pre-law, accounting and finance. Our meeting times and presenters will be announced and a detailed schedule provided at our first presentation. If you are interested in joining or coming to the first presentation please contact us at
Welcome to the SOURCE blog! I'm hoping that this blog can become a place where you can keep all the Board of Governors/team members/everyone else SOURCE related/anyone else who wants to follow updated and involved with what SOURCE is doing. It may also be a good place to throw ideas around and whatnot. Feel free to invite whoever you think would be interested in following!