Thursday, February 3, 2011


The SOURCE is very excited to share that it was featured along with the Hall of Fame in the January 2011 ACUI Bulletin: Renovation & Construction Showcase! The Bulletin is a bimonthly publication of the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) and covers issues relevant to the college union and student activities profession. The University of Alabama is an institutional member of ACUI and staff members in the Ferguson Center are professional members as well.
*Click here to view the article, and here to view the cover of the magazine. 

Also, we remind all organizations that they can use resources in the SOURCE space, including our Mac/Dell laptops, iPads, and copier! See the SOURCE blog for more information regarding the space.

FEB NEWSLETTER: SOURCE Spring Get On Board Day Review

Spring Get On Board Day--a yearly information fair for students to learn about organizations on campus--was held Wednesday, Feb. 19 in the Ferguson Center Ballroom. Around 130 student organization and departments participated this year. 

A review was completed by the SOURCE Outreach Team and Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. The review, prepared by Tyler Cohen and Michael Forst, SOURCE Board of Governors Director of Outreach, consisted of an organization review (available here) and a student review (available here). 

For further information or questions please feel free to contact Alex Karagas in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at 348-6114 or

FEB. NEWSLETTER: Students Organizations in the Corolla Yearbook

The Corolla Yearbook is currently accepting student organization pages. If you are interested in having your organization featured in the Corolla, please send the following to
  • a group photograph
  • a list of student members
  • a list of the group's officers (if applicable)
  • and a 5-7 sentence description of the organization
There is no fee to be featured in the yearbook, and the Corolla will provide a photographer if necessary.  If any groups have other pictures they would like to submit they may also be submitted at!

FEB. NEWSLETTER: Elect Her--UA Women Win

The University of Alabama is one of twenty colleges and universities from across the nation that will host Elect Her-Campus Women Win in 2011, a unique campus based program that teaches women how to run for campus based elected offices.

Currently, women hold just 17% of the seats in Congress and 24% of the seats in state legislatures. Elect Her-Campus Women Win is training a whole new generation of college women for running for office later in life. Since 2007, the American Association of University Women and Running Start have collaborated to encourage young college women to run for student government. From the nine campus sites that hosted this program in 2010, evaluations show almost double the number of students planning to run for student government and planning to run for political office post-college.

The Elect Her- Campus Women Win training is scheduled for Saturday, February 12th from 10am-3:30pm at the Ferguson Center. For questoins, please contact Alex Sims at either or (334) 707 6794.

[Above Information provided by Alex Sims]

FEB. NEWSLETTER: UA Honors Societies Applications

It is now once again that time of year for Honors Societies applications! Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors can apply to be part of Honors Societies on the University of Alabama campus. Applications are available online on the Coordinating Council for Honors Societies website, and are due on Sunday, Feb. 6.

We encourage everyone to fill out an application and become a part of these awesome honor programs!

FEB. NEWSLETTER: cUltivAte Peer Mentoring Program

Students who are interested in leadership opportunities, or want to help others improve themselves in their educational and campus activities can apply now for a unique peer mentoring program, cUltivAte. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE AND ARE DUE ON TUESDAY FEB. 8, 2011!

The cUltivAte Peer Mentor program has been a part of the University of Alabama campus since fall of 2008. cUltivAte Peer Mentors are students at the sophomore through senior level who have a strong desire to impact the freshman class and assist new students with the transition into college life. These students are all leaders in other areas of the UA community, and they seek to engage freshman students in the University of Alabama atmosphere and help them to connect with other students, campus organizations, and the University itself. The cUltivAte mentors seek to develop a network of support for incoming students.

cUltivAte Peer Mentors are matched with Freshman Learning Communities or Compass Courses, based on interest and availability. Once matched with a course, mentors work closely with the course instructor to create an interactive and productive environment in the classroom. Mentors may be called upon to facilitate activities or lead discussions within the class; as students themselves, mentors provide a unique perspective on course material. Each mentor is well-trained before being introduced into the classroom. [The two above paragraphs were provided by Chris Chirino].

For more information on the program, please click the following link:

For a direct link to the application, click this link: