Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oct. Newsletter: SGA News

The SOURCE monthly newsletter will now feature a special section entitled "SGA News." This portion of the newsletter will include items that SGA wishes to inform student organizations about, including "Upcoming Events" and "Initiatives." This month’s section features information about Ride With the Tide, Voter Registration, Bama Laundry as well as other information.

For more information about SGA and this section of the newsletter, email sga@ua.edu or visit the SGA website. 

Upcoming Events:

October 18-22nd – Academic Integrity Week

October 18th - Women’s Political Initiative
Last Women's Political Initiative speaker: AL State Senator Vivian Figures, Monday, October 18, 7pm Ferguson Ballroom: "Senator Figures now serves as Chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, Mobile Senate Local Delegation and the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee for License Plates. As Senator, she played a major role in helping to author legislation for school personnel background checks for both public and private schools to make children safer. Because of her sponsorship and passage of the Alabama Clean Indoor Act, she was awarded the National Tobacco Award from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the Outstanding Advocate Award from the American Heart Association. Senator Figures continues to work for a Smoke-Free Alabama." 

October 19th – Landlord, Leases, and Legalities
The SGA and Off-Campus Housing will be hosting an information session on what students need to know about living off-campus. The event is known as Landlord, Leases, and Legalities, and is comprised of several speakers with expertise in real-estate, law, home inspections, safety, and other critical areas of knowledge needed for choosing the right place to live off-campus. The event will be held in the Ferguson Theater at 7:00pm.

October 19th – Gubernatorial Debate Viewing Party
Gubernatorial Debate Viewing party, Tuesday, October 19, 6:40-8:15pm, Ferguson East Dining Hall. Dr. Robert Bentley (GOP) and Commissioner Ron Sparks (Dem) participate in the second premier Gubernatorial Debate hosted at Auburn University. Come enjoy free food, debate viewing, and debate analysis and discussion.
October 25th – Registration Help Hotline opens


Ride with the Tide
Through a partnership with the Parents’ Association, the Student Government Association is excited to offer you bus transportation to and from the Alabama vs. LSU football game on November 6.  Over 300 Alabama students to travel, tailgate, and enjoy a meal together!

Student tickets for “Ride with the Tide” will cost $45 and will cover an entire day of activities. Charter buses will leave Tuscaloosa the day of the game and drop students at an SGA-sponsored tailgate in Baton Rouge that will include free food and televisions to watch all the games. Buses will travel back to Tuscaloosa following the game. This program is ideal for students who want a safe, easy way to get and from the game without worrying about hotels and driving – whether or not a football ticket has been purchased.

Students may purchase Ride with the Tide tickets individually or in groups. Groups may also purchase blocks of seating for members. You may request to be seated on the same bus with other students who have already purchased tickets. For more information or to purchase a ticket, visit sga.ua.edu or contact the SGA office at (205)-348-2742 or 231 Ferguson. It’s time to ride with the Tide in a completely new way! 

Free Test Booklets are available in the SGA office and other locations on campus!

Voter Registration
Encourage Voter Registration! Forms and registration guidelines can be found in the front of the SGA Office. Completed registration forms will be submitted to the Board of Registrars by an SGA representative

RAVE Guardian
Use the Guardian Timer whenever you're out alone, in an unfamiliar area or would like UAPD to check on you if you cannot deactivate your timer. Just call the timer number: 877-340-6221 and set a realistic time frame to reach your destination. If you reach your destination safely, deactivate the timer by dialing the Timer number: 877-340-6221 and enter your PIN - the Guardian Timer will be deactivated.  Register under the home tab on Mybama.ua.edu

Bama Laundry
Don't have time to do your laundry with your busy college schedule? Tired of having to leave campus to drop off and pick up your dry cleaning? Sign up for Bama Laundry at www.universitylaundry.com/alabama.

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