Friday, March 30, 2012

SOURCE Organizational Resources

·      The Source Course
o   So that organizations can reach maximum efficiency, this innovative tutorial video series introduces useful online tools to campus leaders. Each short video and corresponding PDF summary outlines specific online organizational tasks or exciting productivity tools.

·      The Source Force
o   To inform campus of our initiatives and events, this squad of engaging presenters provides a brief explanation of major SOURCE projects. Complete with handouts, giveaways, and visual aids, presentations can be customized for any audience, including students seeking campus involvement or organizations looking to take advantage of our many resources.

·      Lasso
o   Because building synergy is critical for effective teamwork, this catalog of unique team builders is perfect for groups pursuing unity and excitement! With free sample videos and a “Lasso Library” to checkout necessary supplies, this is a one-stop-shop for busy students needing to break the ice or build relationships.

·      Foresight
o   To prepare organizations for the FAC (Financial Affairs Committee) application process, this required workshop details every step necessary to request organizations funding. The schedule is posted online, and officers must attend to be eligible for money. With $200,000 allocated to organizations each year, this is a fantastic opportunity to extend the impact of a student group.

Major Events

·   Get On Board Day
o   As the main chance for students to connect with hundreds of campus organizations, GOBD is always full of energy, information, and lots of free products! All students, especially those new to campus, can register for everything from community service to medieval warfare. While the massive one-day event attracts many thousands of students each semester, organizations, departments, and businesses must preregister online to reserve a spot in the action.

·     Bama Buddies
o   To unite organizations under a single service initiative and tangibly impact our local community, “Bama Buddies” allows all organizations to create and customize stuffed animals during the holiday season for donation to children in-need. Whether registering to host a stuffing party or participating in our large Build-A-Thon, groups can provide a personalized gift by selecting, stuffing, and naming their buddies. Participation is streamlined during the fall, allowing a unique experience for students from all corners of our university.

·      Spring Awards Banquet
o   In order to honor groups and individuals who have made meaningful contributions to UA, the SOURCE hosts an annual celebration for organizations. Awards are based on an online application process, and winners are invited to the wonderful, formal gathering.

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